Tango is a top rated application which let you to make free video call and unlimited free messages to all around the world. The application is available for multi platforms. So don’t worry if you cannot download FaceTime in your Android smartphone. Download the Tango application from your Application Store and enjoy free calls. Tango offers multiple features and fun like you can play games, apply live filters on video calls, just like mini social media you can make your own profile as a timeline. You can enjoy group chatting with your friends.
Tango have tons of tricks and tips in this tutorial I’ll share some cool tips and tricks with you below are the some tips and tricks:
How to share links with thumbnail
Question is how to share outside sources in Tango application in newsfeed ? The method is very simple and clear , just like Facebook sharing . Open any link e.g. from the magazine size , than copy the link and open the tango application and open the create post and paste the copied link and wait for the thumbnail appear . Once the thumbnail appears , you can delete the URL link , deleting will not remove the link , add a cool caption and post it
How to Repost the favorite post
If you find any post interesting you can share it with your friends by repost option , open the post and find the share option and share it again.
Customize your Menu on Android
In the latest version of Tango offers a new way to customize your android menu, click the button appears on the left top and tab the buttons to set a new layout by dragging boxes , now your favorite tool bad appears on the top.
Manage your Location Settings
You can change your location settings in Tango application . Open the Tango application >> Go to settings >> Look for share location and uncheck the box if you don’t want to share your location with others.
Tip on privacy
Just like Facebook privacy settings you can set the privacy for your profile , Open the settings on your profile page >> Search for Profile Public and uncheck the status and your are done.
Push to talk
Another nicest feature is that you can send voice messages to others with Push to Talk feature , if you are driving or not in an ideal situation to type message than you can record a voice message and send it to others.
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